Clues starting with I

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter I. There are a total of 6252 clues that start with the letter I.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
It includes the suburbs 9
Indian title of respect 3
Israel’s Dayan 5
In ___ (even) 4
It’ll have you seeing red 9
Insect that’s into witchcraft? 8
Indigenous Peoples’ Day mo. 3
It may have trapeze performers 6
In ___ (stuck) 4
Item in a picnic cooler 7
It consists of Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka 10
Iridescent gem 4
In accordance with 3
iPhone 12 variant 4
Issuer of nine-digit IDs 3
Includes in an email 3
Illusory art technique 11
It’s got no outlet 8
Inclusive amount 3
Interlocking toy brand 4
Invigorate 5
Impudent aboard an ocean cruise? 14
It may be triggered by a decloaking warbird 8
It’s across Lake Titicaca from Bolivia 4
Invested in 6
Imperfection 4
Inhaled stuff 3
Inhospitable to flora 4
Inflexibility 5
It may include a dash 4

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