Clues starting with J

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter J. There are a total of 2177 clues that start with the letter J.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Jargon 4
Junk in the ocean e.g. 4
Julia Roberts’s Ocean’s Eleven role 4
John with an EGOT 5
Jedi’s foe 6
Jason’s ship 7
Jumble 5
Jab 3
Julie & Julia writer/director 6
Join the competition 3
Jamie Foxx’s 11-Down-winning role 3
Jump over 8
John who married Pocahontas 5
Jimmy Fallon’s employer 3
Jane Austen heroine 4
Jobs in the computer field 5
Jay Gatsby’s love 5
Joins a union? 4
Jazz legend Waller 4
Just 4
Joke or choke 3
Joaquin’s Walk the Line co-star 5
Jokes told by a Macbeth trio in a Stratford production? 17
Jack of City Slickers 7
Jackhammer sound 7
Juicy tropical fruit 5
Jordan valley lake in the Bible 7
John 3
Join 6
Jazz players’ org. 3

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