Clues starting with J

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter J. There are a total of 2270 clues that start with the letter J.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Join a union? 5
Jellied dish 4
Join the crew 6
Jennings of Jeopardy! 3
Junk bond rating 3
Jeans measure 5
Jackson with two Oscars 10
Job extra 4
Jumpy 6
Junior to Senior 3
John in Parliament? 3
Jesus wept e.g. 10
Jimmy and Rosalynn’s daughter 3
Jobs 4
Jeans strengthener 5
Juilliard degree 3
Jazz fan often 5
J’Accuse...! writer Zola 5
Jane the Virgin star Rodriguez 4
Join 8
John Adams’s wife 7
Jacket parts 5
Japanese sash 3
Jared of Dallas Buyers Club 4
Jct. components 3
Jerusalem-based body with 120 members 7
Julia Child’s Oeufs en Gelée e.g. 5
Judge who’s occasionally on the bench 5
Joined the chorus 4
Jane of 1840s fiction 4

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