Clues starting with I

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter I. There are a total of 6246 clues that start with the letter I.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Immune response participant 5
Isn’t well 4
Ins 8
It uses infrared-emitting guns 8
Intense pain 5
It may be passed from mother to daughter 4
Introvert’s trademark 7
It’s beaten by scissors in a game 5
Injured while bullfighting 5
In a frenzy 4
It keeps you cool 6
Idyllic spot 4
It takes panes 4
Interstate speed limit in Montana 6
Infuser fill 3
Is wild about 5
Its first is for fools 5
Intervenes 7
It’s over your head 3
Implore 3
Inspiring goddesses 5
Iuppiter or Saturnus 4
Ingrediente del gelato 5
Ink-saving abbr. 3
It might get you in the door 6
Involuntary twitch 5
It might involve many signings 8
Institution above criticism, on the farm? 9
Interest group turning 65 next year 4
Is logically consistent 7

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