In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter R. There are a total of 7540 clues that start with the letter R.
Clue | Answer | # Letters |
Ruby in the movies | 3 | |
Respect for Acting author Hagen | 3 | |
Religious offshoots | 5 | |
Rarer than rare | 3 | |
Rocker Joan hits the slopes? | 8 | |
Rosh Hashanah’s month | 6 | |
Recedes | 4 | |
Renter’s agreement | 5 | |
Royal flush component | 3 | |
Repair shop amenity | 6 | |
Rider’s strap | 4 | |
Really relish | 3 | |
Rock’s ___ Fighters | 3 | |
Ready for eating | 4 | |
Ready for romance | 7 | |
Ring results | 4 | |
Rd. with a number | 3 | |
Rash result | 7 | |
Rash | 4 | |
Reception choice | 4 | |
Resistance unit | 3 | |
Roadhouse | 3 | |
Ring | 3 | |
Reveals | 4 | |
Rash | 4 | |
Reception choice | 4 | |
Resistance unit | 3 | |
Roadhouse | 3 | |
Ring | 3 | |
Reveals | 4 |
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