Clues starting with S

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter S. There are a total of 23265 clues that start with the letter S.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Seneca said he “smites maids’ breasts with unknown heat” 4
Salon substances 7
Sister of Charlotte and Anne 5
Some mainframes 4
Start of an Italian count 3
Smaller moon of Mars 6
Speaker of the House during the Carter and Reagan presidencies 6
Sleeper agent 4
Some Hollywood hopefuls 8
Switch position 3
Still developing 7
Switch positions 3
Song selection 6
Strong joe 3
Sizable snake 3
Stone with an Oscar 4
Small woods 5
Severe 5
Sleazebucket 8
Soccer great Mia 4
Sticky stuff 5
Swing music 4
Sticky stuff 4
Sound from a dairy farm 3
Stomach muscles, familiarly 3
Scarlett of Tara 5
Stewart, sweetheart? 12
Stressed feeling 5
Sound of admonishment 3
Show of hands 4

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