Clues starting with S

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter S. There are a total of 23248 clues that start with the letter S.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Sperm or ovum 6
Spot for recyclables 3
Sesame or flax, e.g. 7
Saloon request 7
Screws up Bond’s martini 5
Sweetly, in a score 5
She-bear, in Latin 4
Six-pack muscles 3
Stops cooperating with interrogators 9
Sings like Ella Fitzgerald 5
Schmooze professionally 7
Shapeless masses 5
Small batteries 4
Sites for sports 6
Show-offy strokes by pool players 10
Some ER cases 3
Scene of tranquillity 5
Second-largest of the Hawaiian Islands 4
Shhh! 65-Across about that—it’s just between us 15
Site of a tiny anvil 3
Stock unit 5
Start for function or faceted 5
Stews 5
Shocks 5
Scottish headwear 3
Shocks 7
Something toyed with from afar, for short 5
Short 5
Short 3
Screening org. 3

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